Taurus Monthly Horoscope

Your December Taurus Monthly Horoscope

A year of dramatic change is coming to a close, one with as many highs as there were lows, and at times, not a lot of gray area in between. And no surprise: At various points this year, you’ve had supersizer Jupiter, disruptive Uranus, the karmic north node and two eclipses tear through your sign. The only constant was change. December won’t totally let you off the hook, but it might give you a chance to recover. 
This fall was especially tumultuous since Jupiter and Uranus both turned retrograde (backward), followed by an October 28 eclipse in your sign. Your stability-loving sign has been living on the astrological equivalent of an earthquake fault line, making it impossible to relax for long. You may have become the unlikely spokesperson or “voice of reason” amidst the chaos—or the epicenter. 
One of the most recent Taurus examples of this is Sam Altman, the founder and CEO of OpenAI and creator of ChatGPT. Last month, Altman was fired without notice by his company’s advisory board, only to have hundreds of his employees threaten to quit. Within a couple days, he was hired by Microsoft, then re-hired by OpenAI. Sounds like the kind of roller coaster you’ve been riding through much of 2023, doesn’t it?
The second half of the month brings a much-needed slowdown. Unfortunately, that will be shepherded in by Mercury, the planet of communication and technology, turning retrograde. Mercury will split its backspin in Capricorn (from December 13 to 23) and Sagittarius (from December 23 to January 1). The holidays could get intense, possibly even with some legal or financial disputes cropping up after December 23. If you’re negotiating a contract, especially around shared property or a joint venture, you might want to wait until the new year if you can’t sign before December 13. 
Silver lining: Three other planets will END their retrogrades this month. On December 6, hazy Neptune turns direct (forward) in Pisces and your eleventh house of groups, helping you get back in sync with your communities and social circles. Healer-feeler Chiron corrects course on December 26, the same day as the last full moon of 2023, which will be in Cancer and your expressive third house. This might be the moment when you deliver your most important message in a resounding way.
The last un-retrograding might be the very best of all. On December 30, lucky Jupiter wakes up from a four-month retrograde nap in Taurus, ushering you into 2024 with your full power back on. Even better? Jupiter will spend five more months in Taurus that could shower you with good fortune and fresh opportunities until May 25. 
With the moon in Virgo and your passionate and celebratory fifth house on New Year’s Eve, you’ve got good reason to pop the bubbly now—if only to leave this complicated year in the rearview and move forward with the wisdom and confidence gained by all you’ve gone through. Taurus, you are SO ready for 2024…and it’s just as ready for you!
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