Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Your weekly horoscope continued

Relationships get an end-of-year boost this Friday, December 29, when amorous Venus struts into Sagittarius and shines enchanting beams into your seventh house of relationships until January 23. Is it time to put an exclusivity clause onto a partnership? Even the free birds among you could develop a case of ruffled feathers by trying to build a connection without a clear sense of security and direction. Fortunately, diplomatic Venus makes it easy to negotiate win-wins. Put it all on the table: Will your long-term goals gel well? Are you interested in building a life together? What happens when you need to go on tour with your band/dance troupe/yoga circle? (#GeminiProblems) These topics can be addressed playfully and purposefully with glittering Venus at the helm. Stay open to attractive opposites! With Venus directly opposite your sign, you could be drawn to someone who never registered on your radar before. Don’t keep looking for love in the usual places, o’ intrepid voyager of amour. The more you branch out, the more fascinating your options become. Coupled Gems who’ve been squabbling over a sticking point will appreciate this helping hand from the peacekeeper planet. And once Mercury flips direct late January 1, you can discuss those hot-button issues without your entire relationship melting down. If it’s been smooth sailing on the Sea of Love, the next leg of your pleasure cruise could see you sailing down the aisle, exchanging apartment keys, or even starting a business together.
You can look forward to some hearty encouragement in the "sweet surrender" department on Saturday, when optimistic and expansive Jupiter blows the whistle on its four-month retrograde in Taurus and your twelfth house of healing and release. Since September 4, heavy emotions may have hung over you like a cloud, or you may have struggled to let go of a limiting belief. And because the "red giant" supersizes everything it touches, these things probably felt larger than life. Dealing with this can be challenging for your upbeat, can-do sign, and yet we all have our shadow side, Gemini—and that's exactly what the twelfth house brings up. You may have faced some unpleasant realities this year, but now, with Jupiter speeding forward, you can use those hard-won lessons to become an even fiercer warrior for the truth! Jupiter will stay here until May 25, but then really exciting news hits: For the first time in 12 years, it'll motor into your sign, helping you manifest your highest dreams!

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