Libra Weekly Horoscope

Libra Weekly Horoscope From December 25 To December 31

It’s hardly too late to get one final feather in your fedora this year, Libra! But even if you aren’t feeling THAT ambitious, thoughts may redirect toward your career this Tuesday, December 26 when the luminous Cancer full moon charges up your tenth house of professional ambition and success. Plans you’ve been forming for the past six months may materialize, potentially bringing a payout before the calendar turns. Regardless, all those long hours and sacrifices and industry events are about to pay off during the two-week "harvest time" that follows this full moon. But if anything has shifted, it's time to tweak the idea and right-size your objectives. That way, you can create a road map for getting there when you’re back at full speed in early January. Something to reflect on this week is how you can work smarter, not harder in 2024. Serendipity could lead you to an amazing new gig, client, mentor or situation. If you're seeking guidance in the career-advancement department, these lunar beams could light your way to a powerful coach or mentor. And because Mercury is retrograde, scrolling through past contacts could turn up an important name from your professional past. Is there unfulfilled potential to explore here? Rather than thinking of it as starting over from scratch, see it as getting a second chance to make things perfect!
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